Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Birthday Party

Claire has been talking about what she wanted to do for her 4th birthday for probably about four months now.  At first she wanted a Fancy Nancy party with only girls.  From there it changed to a fire truck party with lots of boys, monster party, Fancy Nancy party again, a pink and purple party, and then a few days before her party she settled on a rainbow party with lots of colors.      

Claire was able to bring treats to preschool for her birthday and so we ordered her favorite....donuts.  She was seriously so excited to bring treats and for all her friends at school to sing to her.    
 It was a perfect day for an outside party
 This was the most fun and easiest cake I have ever made.  And her face when she saw it was priceless. 
 She wanted to play musical chairs and duck, duck, goose and she also wanted to have a pinata so that is what we did.  She had a blast with all her friends
 Crue buddy got his share of goodies from the pinata.  When he couldn't hold anymore in his hands he started shoving it in his mouth so he could grab more.

 We got her a plasma car and she has loved it.
Luke and I decorated her door and blew up a bunch of balloons and put them all over her floor to surprise her when she woke up.   

And here is a little bit about you now that you are four years old. 

You love helping me cook.

Your favorite kind of food is Thai and Chinese

You are the ultimate veggie eater. You will occasionally say you don't like something but the next month you are back to eating it again. Broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach, peas, corn, beans, potatoes, celery, lettuce, baby corn, bamboo shoots, potatoes, water chestnuts. 

You are obsessive about having your teeth brushed. Nothing brings on a Claire meltdown faster than forgetting to brush her teeth at night.

You love to sing and play pretend.

Every night at bedtime you ask your daddy to tell you about when you were in Melody's belly.

You love going to primary and singing primary songs.

You try to sneak outside in nothing but your underwear so all the cars that drive by can see your "cute tush". Thank heavens we live on a very quiet street. We bought you some new underwear during the winter and I found you on the porch with nothing else on because you wanted all the cars to see your new underwear. 

You like to deliver things to our neighbors....and you has made and delivered some doozies. Your next favorite thing is to mail letters.