Saturday, September 1, 2012

18 Months Old

Happy 18 Months Crue Buddy!!

My little man is eighteen months old.  He is such a sweet little boy and we love him so much.  He likes to play with his sister, jump on the trampoline, swing really high,  try to ride Claire's plasma car and trike, play in the mud, eat dirt, throw rocks, and go on walks.  He absolutely loves being outside and can throw a huge fit when it is time to come inside.  He gives the best hugs and kisses ever.  Rocking him and singing primary songs will almost always get him to calm down when he is upset. His favorites primary songs are I'm Trying to be like Jesus, Follow the Prophet, I am a Child of God, and Families Can be Together Forever.  Crue really just wants to be a big boy and do all the things he sees the other kids doing, especially his sister.  If he wakes up first in the morning he will go by Claire's door and whine until I open it so he can run in and climb on her bed and jump on her until she wakes up.  He also loves to play horsie with Claire or Daddy and starts laughing when he gets bucked off. 

Crue talks nonstop all day long and most of it is unrecognizable but here a  few things he says.
I see it
All gone
What is that
Pop, Pop, Pop (from popcorn popping song)
Thank You
I stinky
I pooh-pooh


He is such a big help too. 
-We dont have to worry about what to do with too many tomatoes because he picks all the green ones.

-I no longer have to search for the right size lid to a pan while I am making dinner because he has successfully broke every single one. 

-I don't have to worry about my can of hairspray lasting too long either because he figured out that if you turn the can of hairspray upside down and push it on a hard surface it sprays all over the place.  And he loves that!!

-When we are watering the garden he thinks he should have complete control of the hose.

-He helps us get rid of things such as when he threw a bottle of baby shampoo down the toilet and flushed it. 

-When I am changing laundry over he likes to put the clothes in the dryer.

-He loves helping us clean out the dishwasher. We just have to do it really fast because he gets impatient and if you don't grab whatever he is handing you fast enough then he throws is on the floor. 


Songs:  Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree and If All the Raindrops Were Lemon Drops and Gumdrops 

Food:  Bananas, fruit smoothie, cracked wheat, pizza, peas, corn, chicken, and watermelon.

Toys:  wagon and cars. He has started to make car noises when he plays and it is the cutest thing ever.


Tantrums started a few months ago and at first he would start screaming and throw himself down on the floor onto his back and then throw his head back onto the floor really hard.  So of course then he would really have a reason to be crying after hitting his head.  He learned real fast not to do that. Now he will whine as he very carefully lies down on the floor and even more carefully puts his head on the floor and then comes the screaming. 

He likes to put his bottle in a cup and then drink it so he will go from room to room until he finds a cup that was left out that will fit his bottle.

He prides himself on being able to get to almost anything by pushing a chair around and climbing on anything he can.

He thinks that everything needs to be climbed on, climbed over, or climbed under.  Every drawer should be emptied.  Every shelf, nightstand, table, desk, and counter should remain clear with everything going onto the floor. 
After months of hating the water when we would go swimming, he now absolutely loves it and will run right for it.
He has the best little laugh ever and a smile that will just melt your heart. 
He is still a total mama's boy and saves his best hugs for me. 

We love you so much Crue.  You bring so much happiness, laughter, and love into our home.


Amy J said...

I love that sweet face! 18 months has flown by!