Over the last month my little baby boy has turned into a just a little boy. It makes me so sad in some ways but excited in other ways.
His speech has totally picked up and not only is he talking a ton, but we can actually understand him.
He has picked the terrible two's right up.
He has learned how to climb out of the crib in no time at all so he is officially in a toddler bed. I can't say he actually sleeps in it but he starts out there at least.
When we go check on him he is usually on the floor somewhere in his room. Two little legs sticking out from under a blanket.
Or sometimes he is found in the rocking chair.
I just had to include this. Here is Claire sitting in our time out spot. It just kills Crue to see his sis in trouble and will try to sneak over and sit on her lap until she gets out. On this day she ended up with two babies feeling sorry for her and keeping her company while she did her time.
He really wants to just hang out with the big kids but it makes me happy that he still wants his mommy to rock him at night and sing him primary songs.
He loves to sing popcorn popping. He also thinks he should have complete control over the radio while we are in the car and gets mad if we don't listen to his songs. This boy will have the primary songs all memorized long before he is ever a sunbeam.
He loves to dance.
He still thinks his sister is the funniest person in the world.
He torments his sister just as much as she torments him but they love each other so much. When she is sad he runs over to give her hugs and comfort her and Claire instantly comes to his defense if she thinks another little kid is picking on him or if he is wronged in anyway.
He is still a total mommy's boy but gets so excited when his daddy walks in the door after work and runs into his arms.
He tends to throw things if he doesn't get his way or else he will go over to the table and try to lift it up when he is mad.
He loves to sweep and vacuum.
He gets into my make-up more than Claire ever has.
He has the best smile.
We love you so much Crue.
Hey Tina! Your blog is so cute and I love your profile too. What an adorable family! I'm so glad to know someone else on this crazy journey:)
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