Just a few weeks ago I was telling someone that I would love to go back to my mission and visit my dear friends and that I plan to do that when a temple is built there.....whenever that may be.
So I was just a little bit happy (okay, okay, I was totally shouting with joy) when I heard that they are planning on building a temple in Concepcion Chile. I can't believe that I came home six years ago!!! I love the people in Concepcion and can't wait to go back in a couple of years when the temple is dedicated. I guess I better start brushing up on my spanish.
Visiting an orphanage on P-day
Hna. Cariqueo and I standing in front of our casita....or more commonly referred to as the "doll house" since you had to be pretty short in order to enter without ducking your head. Hna. Cariqueo and I loved this place. And what is not to love....especially when, if situated a certain way in bed, you can look straight up and see the stars at night.
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
3 days ago
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