I copied this idea from a great friend/neighbor since I can’t come up with any good ideas of my own
I can’t believe I haven’t posted anything since New Years
I am a slacker…I have no good excuse
I haven’t taken any pictures either
I have the best husband in the world
I appreciate how he takes such good care of our family
I believe that marrying him was the smartest thing I ever did
I have the most beautiful girl in the whole world
I love staying home with Claire each day
I used to put all the pictures she colors on the fridge…until she started coloring at least 10 pictures a day
I have come to accept the fact that no matter how hard I try to put all crayons, pens, and markers away, Claire seems to find the ones I missed.
I think she must have a secret stash
I have recently come to appreciate Mr. Clean Magic Erasers :)
I am laughing all day long because of the things she does
I have never really been into sewing but at the moment I really love it
I am currently making the bedspread for Claire’s new bed
I am ready for winter to be over…but not quite ready for spring to begin
I took a book from the ward book exchange table today without leaving a book in its place
I kinda felt guilty for taking the book so I read the entire thing today (346 pages) so I can return it ASAP.
I was only able to do it because Claire wasn’t feeling good and slept a lot today
I love my little girl with my whole heart and love how she copies everything I say
I am ready for another addition to our family
I am absolutely loving my calling in the YW’s program
I look forward to our activities each week
I have less than two weeks to find a dress for my brothers wedding
I need to go to bed instead of looking for a dress online
I enjoy reading other blogs so leave a comment so I can find yours…if I haven’t already
I hope you all have a great day!!!
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
3 days ago
Cute idea Tina! I enjoy reading random things about people like that. It's fun to learn things about people that you wouldn't get in a normal conversation.
Cute post:) Lovin' all the photos on your blog! Keeping taking those pictures:) That little girl is BEAUTIFUL:)
You have your hands full, but isn't it the best? Believe me, it goes soooo fast. Before you Know it She'll be going to school, getting baptized, ect, ect, ect... I always thought that it was easier to shop for small sizes, those are always the ones I find when I go shopping. I have the opposite problem, finding things that are long enough without breaking the bank. Of course I am a cheap skate. Also your brothers wedding was beatiful.
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