Yep... thats right.
Apparently blocks that are about 2 inches by 5 inches get stuck in the toilet and won't come out from either end. (Although, my very inventive husband was able to eventually get it out. But by then we had already bought the new toilet)
Honestly, I don't know if I should be irritated or impressed.
Irritated.. because Claire threw a rather large block into the toilet. And this happened the day after we had a talk about putting things in the toilet that don't belong there - cups, washclothes, pajamas, bathtoys.
Impressed...because she was literally able to throw a block from several feet away into the toilet as I was putting the toilet seat down and it was being flushed. By the time I lifted the toilet seat back up, the block was long gone.
For a second she was really proud of herself for making the shot. And then I think she remembered the discussion from the day before and she walked herself into timeout. But really, how can I stay irritated about the sitation when I can hear her sitting in timeout singing "I am a Child of God".
The best part happened when Luke got home. Claire went to her room and got an identical block and attempted to put it in the toilet so she could show her daddy what she had done earlier in the day.
We really haven't had many terrible two moments lately but when they happen, they happen all at once. So now I am on to cleaning up the cereal from when she decided to jump on my bed singing "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" while holding a bowl of cereal. Apparently cereal doesn't stay in the bowl while jumping up and down. :P
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
3 days ago
I am busting up! That story is too cute. I feel like I can laugh about it, because we just replaced our toilet about a month ago, due to a similar story. Lol! Kids are expensive in MANY ways!
Oh Tina this made me laugh. She is so cute. They know exactly how to get out of trouble and leave timeout. Matthew folds his arms immediately because he knows that's my soft spot. Too cute. (Sorry about the toilet!)
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