The sick bug has been visiting our house this week. It started with Claire and then she passed it on to me. It is amazing how slow the week can drag when you don't really get out and do anything. My mom and aunt came over this week and we tied a couple of baby blankets for all of the new babies that are/have joined our family this year. But other than that, Claire and I have been reading books, watching movies, and just hanging out at home. With all this extra time at home, you would think that I would have the time to update my blog....should have but couldn't think of anything to write a whole post about. So here are a few things I was going to blog about but they are totally random with not alot to say and no pics either.
1. My sister blessed her baby last week. Her little baby wore a handmade knit dress that this wonderful old lady in Chile made for me before I came home from my mission. Panchita was a sweet lady that was unable to walk the several miles to church each week but she would feed us missionaries every thursday and ask us to share a message with her. She made me a really cute baby blessing dress so I could bless my first daughter in it. Well, our first daughter was six months old and wasn't about to fit into this dress when we blessed her. So I was really excited that my sister's little baby girl was able to be blessed in it.
2. I stumbled across a blog that sounded familiar and then realized that a potential birth mother that had been writing us had mentioned this blog. So after a little investigation I found out that this potential birth mother wasn't just (emotionally) scamming us and one other couple like we had orignally thought. She was scamming about ten other couples and I was able to read about all of their encounters with this potential birth mother. It just make me sad that this girl was pretending to be pregnant and playing with the emotions of people who want a child more than anything in the world yet are dependant on another person to make that happen for them.
Adoption is the greatest and most unselfish thing. We are so greatful for our wonderful birthmother for helping us have a family. She is the most amazing person that we know and we love her so much. We are hoping and praying that we will have another special baby join our family through the miracle of adoption.
3. I was hoping to have Claire's big girl bedroom done by now so I could post some pics. But what can I say.....I am a big time slacker. Maybe next week, or the next, or the next.
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
3 days ago
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